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Easy Riddles

1. Who always rides a taxi but never pays?

2. What do you call a dog that does not bite?

3. What can run but cannot walk?

4. What makes HERE to be THERE?

5. What do you break by saying only one word?

6. Everyone uses me at some point during the day as they walk around, I have a twin brother, what am i?

7. The more you take away, the more i get bigger and/or deeper, what am i?

8. If a rooster lays an egg on top of a flat wood, which way (direction) will the egg roll?

9. What seven (7) letter word becomes longer when the third letter is removed?

10. Mary's mother has three children. The first child was named April, and the second child was named May, what is the third child's name?

1. Taxi Driver
2. Hot Dog
3. Water
4. Letter 'T'
5. Silence
6. A shoe
7. Hole
8. A rooster does not lay eggs
9. Lounger
10. Mary

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