Read this disclaimer before you do anything in this wapsite.

This is a non-profit wapsite. Everything is free when you download from this wapsite, however your local service provider may charge you for data transfers.

I am not the copyright owner or creator of the downloads (games, wallpapers, ringtones, whatsoever) found in this wapsite. You may keep the downloaded item for only 24 hours. Once that 24 hour period expires, you must either DELETE the item or purchase it through the rightfull owner/ publisher of the content, which will give you the right to keep the file on your mobile phone.

You cannot sell any of the games, images, tones or any other downloads to anyone in any way. Additionally you cannot use any of the material found in this wapsite for any illegal motives whatsoever. This site is created for individuals who are WAP enthusiasts or hobbyist only!

This site holds NO responsibility for anything that happens to you or your mobile phone, wireless device, computer or any storage medium at anytime.
The creator of this mobile site takes no responsibility on how you use the information provided on the site. The files and everything on the site are for educational purposeses only and should NOT be used in Countries where it is considered illegal.

Groups And Internet Privacy
If you are affiliated with any goverment ANTI-Piracy group, or any other related group or were formally a worker of one, you CANNOT enter this wapsite, CANNOT access any of it's files and you CANNOT view any of the files there in.


If you enter this site you are not agreeing to these terms and you are violating code 431.322.12 of the Internet Privacy Act signed by Bill Clinton in 1995 and that means that you CANNOT threaten any person(s) or company storing these files, CANNOT prosecute any person(s) affiliated with this page which includes family, friends or individuals who run or enter this wapsite.

By accessing the main menu or viewing any of the files in this wapsite, you agree to all the terms. If you do not agree, please disconnect from this site now. By remaining at this site, you affirm your understanding and compliance of the above disclaimer and absolve the site of any responsibility henceforth.

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